He's a writer, speaker, entrepreneur, musician, and more. His books range in subject matter from hypnotic marketing and writing to personal growth and spirituality.
He appeared in the hit movie The Secret and other films, he's been on "Larry King Live," and he's given birth to countless books, audio programs, and courses.
In this interview Joe reveals:
- The crucial lessons he learned from being homeless years ago
- How he creates long audio programs without a script - or even notes!
- The one skill he honed that played a huge role in his success
- What he wishes he knew earlier about public relations
- Why he has a special place in his heart for public libraries
- The three books that changed his life
Watch or listen now!
Audio podcast available too!
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Show notes and links:
Joe Vitale's main website
Joe's site dedicated to economic prosperity and ending homelessness in America
The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol
The Book of Est by Luke Rhinehart
The Robert Collier Letter Book
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Yes, that is my artwork on the wall behind me. To see more of it, visit www.PopRockArtStudio.com

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Thanks for this, Bob. I've been following Joe on and off since "Spiritual Marketing" and "The Attractor Factor". I've been in a bit of a rut this past year and seeing you two discuss your lives with such enthusiasm and passion has inspired me to get back in the saddle and ride it to success. Thanks. Gary Johnston www.johnstonandlear.com